Friday, August 17, 2007

Work At Home Success - Don't You Wish It Was Easy

You hear it every day, somebody somewhere is preaching the prosperity work at home gospel, it's easy, anybody can do it. Although it is true that anybody really can do it, I promise you it's not easy. Working at home presents several challenges that many people simply cannot conquer. Let me rephrase that, many people simply will not conquer the challenges.
The I'm at home so I can goof off challenge. Isn't it funny how you work harder for somebody else than you do for yourself? When you transition from working in an office environment to working at home many people just can't seem to get on track. Of course they want success, and they expect to be successful, they just can't seem to get started. When you are at work you are accountable to somebody, and that somebody is usually judging the quality and quantity of your work regularly.
Employers often pay you just enough to keep you, and you typically work just enough to keep your job. Be honest, when the boss isn't around you have a tendency to goof off, or do less than you would otherwise. When you start to work at home there is no boss, so you have a tendency to goof off or do less than you would otherwise! One of the reasons many people fail to achieve success when they work from home is a lack of accountability. You probably don't want to be held accountable by a boss anymore and that's one of the reasons that you decided to work from home, but a lack of accountability can lead to disaster.
The best thing you can possibly do is hold yourself accountable, but that is easier said than done. Establish a tracking form to keep track of how many hours you actually work your business. I'm not talking about getting ready to get ready, that doesn't count. How much time are you actually working your business? Every person that has ever started working from home has spent a lot of time cleaning off their desk, organizing things and getting ready to get ready. Those activities won't put money in your pocket, but they will give you a false sense of doing something. Accountability isn't easy, heck it's hard to transition from a job to working from home, but will be worth it. Don't wish it was easy, have a strong desire to become better. Work on yourself, become disciplined.
If you can't or won't hold yourself accountable find somebody who will. Just make sure that the person you choose will lift you up and not tear you down. Working from home is hard enough but if you are around negative people you'll make climbing the mountain to success so much harder than it has to be.
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