Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How To Make Money - Online Business Ideas

By Trevor John

You've decided that you want to make money on the internet. What next? Where do you start?
Here's a list of some of the easier business ideas that will help you earn money online.

Start selling on eBay. A lot of people start this way, often by selling old junk that they no longer have any use for. With so many competitors, you need a product that is either hard to find, such as out of print books, or in such high demand that you can compete with all the other sellers.Before using eBay heavily, read up on the power of headlines - these are the invitation for people to actually click on your ads. Experiment to find a good headline and you'll notice the difference in bids and traffic.

Advertise on AdWords. Get hold of help before you start unless you've got a bottomless wallet. Done right, AdWords can give you a much better return on your money than putting it in a bank. Again, headlines are all important and testing is the name of the game. Even seemingly small differences can have a big effect on your bottom line profits.
Affiliate Marketing. Promoting other people's products for money is an easy way to put your toe in the water and see whether or not you can make money in a market. If you can make money whilst the affiliate product owner is also taking a cut then it's time to think about producing your own product and making even more.

Email Marketing. This is still alive and well. Use various techniques to build up a list of prospects and feed them a mixture of information and gentle sales pitches. Get the model right - you may need to experiment to see how much marketing your chosen niche will tolerate.
There are many, many more ways to make money with your online business - keep researching until you find one that you get on with.

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