Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Top 3 Work At Home Scams

By Jonathan Reid

Imagine waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, doing a few minutes work on the internet, seeing how much money you made the day before from the internet and then planning the day around your family and friends without having to go to work.
Well, I do and I must tell you its a great life but it hasn't always been like that, before I started to work from home I was doing 9-5 in a stuffy office, I desperately wanted to work from home, I read every work from home article on the net, I tried every work from home opportunity known to man and eventually figured out how to make money using the internet. If you want to make money working from home using the internet then here are the top 3 work from home scams to avoid like the plague.

1) Envelope Stuffing (Illegal & Unethical)

This classic has been around since the 1920's and has found its way onto the internet.
You are promised to be paid $1-2 for every envelope you stuff. All you do is send money and you're guaranteed "up to 1,000 envelopes a week that you can stuff... with postage and address already affixed!" When you send you're hard earned cash, you get a tiny manual with flyer templates you're supposed to put up around you're local area, advertising yet another crazy work-from-home scheme.
And the pre-addressed, pre-paid envelopes? Well, when people see those flyers, all they have to do is send you $2 in a pre-addressed, pre-paid envelope. Then you stuff that envelope with another flyer and send it to them.

2) Chain Letters/Emails ("Make Money Fast") - (Illegal & Unethical)

If you've been using the net for a while, you've probably seen these chain emails. They say all you have to do is send the email along plus some money by mail to the top names on the list, then add your name to the bottom... and one day you'll be a very rich.
This is a classic pyramid scheme, and most times the names in the chain emails are manipulated to make sure only the people at the top of the list (the true scammers) make any money.

3) Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

If you've heard of network marketing (like Amway), then you know that there are legitimate MLM businesses based on agents selling products or services.
One huge problem with MLMs, though, is when the pyramid and the ladder-climbing becomes more important than selling the actual product or service. If the MLM business plan is all about looking for new recruits rather than selling products or services, be warned: The Federal Trade Commission may consider it to be a pyramid scheme... and not only can you lose all your money, but you could be charged with fraud, also.
So, those are the top 3 work at home scams, be careful when choosing which work from home opportunity you go for, good luck.
Find genuine work at home opportunities at homeworkfromhome.com, here you will find the top work from home plans available on the internet today, you can start earning money today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Reid