Monday, September 24, 2007

What's The Best Way To Make Extra Money From Home

By Adam Bradley

More and more of us are getting into some form of debt than at any other time in history so it makes sense that the best way to get some more money without eating into your personal life and taking a second job would be to find a way to make extra money from home.

There are several ways to make extra money from home but some of these require more of your time than you are probably prepared to spare. Affiliate marketing is a fantastic money making opportunity and a great way to make extra money from home but it's neither for those wanting instant cash or something very simple with little time required.

So with affiliate marketing out and dropshipping being too risky if you don't take the time to study the products your looking to sell then it only leaves one realistic option for you to make extra money from home, paid surveys.

Paid surveys has its distracters but these are usually people who tried them expecting to earn a full time income from an hours worth of surveys a day or people with there own agenda such as promoting there own work from home opportunity, many of which will be complete scams. In fact on a related note you should only ever consider paid surveys, affiliate marketing and dropshipping as work from home opportunities that can earn you money.

For a way to make extra money from home then paid surveys is the quickest and easiest way of doing so as long as you don't expect massive earnings, remember your after an extra income not a main income and so paid surveys will do what you want. They take only about fifteen minutes to complete and if you receive a survey you don't wish to complete for some reason then you don't have to as there are no obligations.

You do have to be slightly cautious. Paid surveys may be the best way to make extra money from home but there are still scams knocking around. Beware of .

1. Free sites - These normally take your personal information, sell it on, then shut down after a few months.

2. Sites with no contact - Make sure there's an address or phone number or some sort of contact just in case of problems.

3. Money back guarantee - Most legitimate sites have a money back guarantee if it doesn't have one be wary.

Even the paid sites can be a risk in your quest to make extra money from home as many aren't kept up to date and are full of out of date links so it is better to look for help.
Remember if your looking for full time earnings affiliate marketing and dropshipping are both better options but if your only after a chance to make extra money from home then paid surveys are definitely your best choice just remember to find help to avoid the scams.

If your looking to earn a little extra cash but are scared of falling victim to a scam then visit for independent and honest reviews of paid survey memberships. Each month I make between $400 and $1000 for an hours work a day through paid surveys to top up my income if you'd like to do the same find out the legitimate sites here
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Online Jobs - Freedom To Work Anywhere

By Yasir Wazir

When we talk about the positives of online working, the most attractive thing about it is the freedom of working anywhere and anytime. This means that one does not has to follow the 9-5 rule and even does not has to report to any boss. One is his/her own boss. Doesn’t it sound great?
I mean … I have seen many people who are not comfortable with their working environment. Some are not happy with their seniors’ behavior towards them while some are unhappy with the working conditions. Harassment at workplace is a common problem and many people wish to change their jobs and get themselves a more comfortable one.

The idea of “Online Working” has emerged as a strong solution to this problem and is gaining popularity at a fast pace. People feel comfortable working at home. let me tell you my experience. I am a doctor by profession and do my practice at a local public hospital. I started online working at a couple of freelancing websites a few months ago. It took me some time to make my rating at these websites look good and now I can easily get the job for which I make a bid.

The incredible aspect of online working is that you do not have to restrict yourself to a place where you can perform the work. Take my example. I take the public transport bus while going to the hospital in the morning and it takes about 45 minutes before I reach there. I utilize this time by doing the project that I get from the freelancing website that I use for obtaining work.

All I need is a Laptop and my traveling time gets utilized. Similarly, whenever I get some free time in the hospital during, I utilize this time again in doing the project. In this way I convert all my idle time into valuable one.

Time is money! As they say … and it is … at least for me!
Do you need Online Jobs? If yes, then click here Online Jobs - Legitimate Data Entry Jobs.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ways To Make Money Online and Finding The Right Product to Sell

By Scott M Searles

There are simply an unlimited number of ways to make money online. If your mind can think of it then there are probably thousands of more ways to make money online than you can think of. So we come up with ideas, we write them down, we widdle the list down to our top ten choices and now we have figure our way to make money online. We need to understand what people already want to buy. Finding a good choice of idea or product is always accompanied by combining the demand for the product in the current market and how much competition a particular market has.

You may be inclined like many to chase the how to make money online avenue and I will do everything I can think of to dissuade you from this approach. Here’s why in a nutshell. You are setting yourself up right out of the gate for a huge struggle ahead. So how do wee answer that biggie question. “What should I sell? What products are hot selling? And if we really want to know the answer to this question, our only choice is to do some research. There are all kinds of twists along the road that may lead you to think you have a high-demand idea or a good way to make money online. We must be able to understand and satisfy the need, wants and expectations of our customers on a certain product that they’re trying to buy.

Needs are the basic reasons or the minimum requirements consumers are looking for in a product or service. One of the ways to identify what your idea or market is looking for simply go to online forums and be discreet and find out for yourself what they want and couple it with your idea or your way to make money online, Wants are the determining dimensions among many choices.

If there isn’t much demand for the product, and there isn’t much competition, it would seem that it might not be good to put up for sale. But the research doesn’t stop here; there is one last thing to be considered to exactly find the hot selling products that you’ve been looking for. We must also learn how others are advertising those products. If there is a good number of them doing so, it may mean that it’s a good product to get into.

Coming to the last phase of the process is analyzing and evaluating all the information that has been collected. We have to look at all of the data we have collected on demand, competition, and advertising, and make decision as how they all balance out.

Some of the factors you going to want to consider are, if theres not enough demand means not enough people are going to buy, too much competition means not enough of a profit to go around, too much advertising drives up the price of pay per click ads, and competition as well, not enough general interest, combined with low demand, means there may not be a good market even if there is competition trying to make the sales.

To sum things up there are some key points to consider to find out if your way to make money online is viable and above some those things to considered are listed and like I said check the forums take a look at what people are talking about. Look at how many ads for products and ideas like you have are being run on Google and this will tell you pretty quick if your way to make money online is good for you or if you should go else where and come up with a new idea.

Find out about the programs that completely changed my life and the way I look at doing business online as well as the lives of 17 of my family and friends including my 14 year old niece.

Click link
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Top 3 Work At Home Scams

By Jonathan Reid

Imagine waking up in the morning, turning on your computer, doing a few minutes work on the internet, seeing how much money you made the day before from the internet and then planning the day around your family and friends without having to go to work.
Well, I do and I must tell you its a great life but it hasn't always been like that, before I started to work from home I was doing 9-5 in a stuffy office, I desperately wanted to work from home, I read every work from home article on the net, I tried every work from home opportunity known to man and eventually figured out how to make money using the internet. If you want to make money working from home using the internet then here are the top 3 work from home scams to avoid like the plague.

1) Envelope Stuffing (Illegal & Unethical)

This classic has been around since the 1920's and has found its way onto the internet.
You are promised to be paid $1-2 for every envelope you stuff. All you do is send money and you're guaranteed "up to 1,000 envelopes a week that you can stuff... with postage and address already affixed!" When you send you're hard earned cash, you get a tiny manual with flyer templates you're supposed to put up around you're local area, advertising yet another crazy work-from-home scheme.
And the pre-addressed, pre-paid envelopes? Well, when people see those flyers, all they have to do is send you $2 in a pre-addressed, pre-paid envelope. Then you stuff that envelope with another flyer and send it to them.

2) Chain Letters/Emails ("Make Money Fast") - (Illegal & Unethical)

If you've been using the net for a while, you've probably seen these chain emails. They say all you have to do is send the email along plus some money by mail to the top names on the list, then add your name to the bottom... and one day you'll be a very rich.
This is a classic pyramid scheme, and most times the names in the chain emails are manipulated to make sure only the people at the top of the list (the true scammers) make any money.

3) Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

If you've heard of network marketing (like Amway), then you know that there are legitimate MLM businesses based on agents selling products or services.
One huge problem with MLMs, though, is when the pyramid and the ladder-climbing becomes more important than selling the actual product or service. If the MLM business plan is all about looking for new recruits rather than selling products or services, be warned: The Federal Trade Commission may consider it to be a pyramid scheme... and not only can you lose all your money, but you could be charged with fraud, also.
So, those are the top 3 work at home scams, be careful when choosing which work from home opportunity you go for, good luck.
Find genuine work at home opportunities at, here you will find the top work from home plans available on the internet today, you can start earning money today.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Internet Home Based Businesses - Generating Passive Income Easily

By Melvin Perry

If you are look millions of people today, you are looking for an alternative means to making some extra income. The best way of doing this right now that requires the least time has everything to do with internet home based businesses. Therefore, in this article, you will be provided with the latest ideas and strategies that you must apply when starting internet home based businesses. Being equipped with this information will turn you into a cash generating business machine.

The first thing you must consider when starting multiple internet home based businesses, is that it is an excellent idea to hire an expert or a consultant to give you some advice. The advice shared from these professionals can spare you from a lot of disappointment that comes from starting an internet home business. Therefore, if possible, you should consider taking advantage of one for your internet home based businesses.

The second thing you must do is try to take advantage of every marketing and advertising medium that you can. In other words, run some advertising campaigns for your internet home based businesses in multiple ad sources, then test and track to see which ones are profitable. There are so many ways to promote your business on the internet that it can become overwhelming. Therefore, first start off with a few advertising sources, test these sources, remove the failed sources and add in some new ones.

The third and final strategy for starting successful internet home based businesses is to develop as many joint ventures and strategic alliances as you can. The most successful internet home based businesses are run by entrepreneurs who understand the extreme importance of establishing partnerships and relationships with other business entities. Just one strategic partnership can take your business to another level and pile so much cash into your business at the same time.

Melvin Perry is an internet entrepreneur that specializes in building large email lists within a matter of weeks. He currently teaches marketers via free step by step videos how to earn thousands monthly through a home business model known as the list building model. You can snatch these 2+ hours videos at no cost by visiting FREE Home Business Training Videos
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How To Make Money - Online Business Ideas

By Trevor John

You've decided that you want to make money on the internet. What next? Where do you start?
Here's a list of some of the easier business ideas that will help you earn money online.

Start selling on eBay. A lot of people start this way, often by selling old junk that they no longer have any use for. With so many competitors, you need a product that is either hard to find, such as out of print books, or in such high demand that you can compete with all the other sellers.Before using eBay heavily, read up on the power of headlines - these are the invitation for people to actually click on your ads. Experiment to find a good headline and you'll notice the difference in bids and traffic.

Advertise on AdWords. Get hold of help before you start unless you've got a bottomless wallet. Done right, AdWords can give you a much better return on your money than putting it in a bank. Again, headlines are all important and testing is the name of the game. Even seemingly small differences can have a big effect on your bottom line profits.
Affiliate Marketing. Promoting other people's products for money is an easy way to put your toe in the water and see whether or not you can make money in a market. If you can make money whilst the affiliate product owner is also taking a cut then it's time to think about producing your own product and making even more.

Email Marketing. This is still alive and well. Use various techniques to build up a list of prospects and feed them a mixture of information and gentle sales pitches. Get the model right - you may need to experiment to see how much marketing your chosen niche will tolerate.
There are many, many more ways to make money with your online business - keep researching until you find one that you get on with.

Get your free internet wealth secrets report.
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Monday, August 27, 2007

A Successful Website For Your Internet Home Business

Author: MengHan

To make your Internet Home Business earn money for you, you need a "professional" website to convince your visitors who visit to your website. Otherwise you will never get sales from a poor looking website because peoples won't believe that a poor website can provide a good product or service.

Now a day, a lot of employees start getting boring and disappointed with their current job. They have to work for a long period start from morning to night for every single day. Spending a huge efforts and increasing of job responsibilities, but getting the same paid every month. At the same time, the effect from the business intelligence's literature, most of them itch to source for a good business opportunity instead of looking for another 'good' job.One of the attractive opportunity is internet home business. With a lot of advantages provided by the internet, peoples start creating their own home business one after another.The problem is how do you create a professional home business so that you really can use it to earn money for you. A lot of my online readers always asking the same question, "How to start a home business for FREE?" or they want to looking for something can help them to create their website in zero cost and they also want all this can be build up in EASY way.Is it really has such free lunch in the world? Before you sign up for those kind of "free and easy" service, please make sure you do a clear observation about the services provided. You must confirm that their services can fulfill the requirement for your home business. If you only create a website with poor appearance with this free service and unable to convince the customers who visit to your website, how do you earn money from it.Actually to set up a website is not as hard as what you think but definitely not that "easy" way.Lets take a look for a website to sell a digital product. The basic requirement needed for this website.1. Sales letter.At the first page or home page of the website, you need a sales letter to describe about your digital product. The main purpose is to sell your product and persuade the customers who visit your website to buy your product. This is the first image your business has been shown to your customer. Take it serious to make your customers feel that you are reliable.2. Order form.Your sales letter will link to an order form. This order form used to fill up all the particular information about your customer who already decide to buy your product.3. Payment link.You need a payment link for your customers to make their payment through their credit card.4. Product download link.After your customer's transaction is done, you must lead them to a download link to download a copy of your digital product into his computer.5. Mail list system.Not all the visitors to your website will straight away order the product from you. And you also don't want to loss this prospect customers just like that. So you need to set up a mail list system to collect the contact or email address for this prospect customers. Normally you can provide some useful information for free to them if they join your mail list. So that you can follow up with them in the future.This is the most basic requirement for a good website. May be you will say, I don't know anything about web design or programming. How can I do that by myself?Today there are many online experts can help you to create a good website just within a short period of time( usually they take 1-2 weeks time ).You only need to let them know what kind of home business model you are going to start and let them know what is the requirement you need for your website. Or you also can ask them to consult you step by step during the whole process if you really have no idea with it.Remember this :Now if you spend a hundred to make your website looks professional and the you can get a return in thousand or million - this is an excellent investment. Go ahead.Or still searching for something that is FREE or EASY but get you nothing in return.Wishing you success.
About Author
I am sharing my experiences HOW TO START LOW COST AND LOW RISK HOME BUSINESS with thousand of Online Entrepreneurs.Guiding their businesses from zero until gaining high profit.My lesson in How To Minimize Your Business Cost And Risk;How To Lead Millions Of Customers Visit Your Website;Successful Marketing Strategies To Make Your Customers Buy From You Again And Again.Get this ZERO COST advises and software from my mail list to improve your business knowledge. Article Source:

You can't start a business without money.

Author: Antonia Brooks

Everyone who wants to start a business on the internet needs money for something. When you are starting with no money, its hard to get the things you need.

After my second child, I was blessed enough to be able to stay home with him for a longer period than I was with the first. After a while I got a little depressed. I felt like I was not contributing to the welfare of my children. I felt the squeeze of one income, especially when I had to ask my husband for money like I was a child myself.I had been a very driven person in my career of choice, but that career was not making me happy. It didn’t allow me much freedom where my children were involved. It didn’t help that the cost of childcare had rose so much from 10 years ago. I was feeling stressed and wished my mother lived with me or at least in the same city. She doesn’t like other people watching her grandchildren. I would have a trust worthy person with my kids for a very reasonable price. (Provide their food, drive my mother on occasional errands and slip her some extra pocket money.) My husband was very supportive when I discussed trying to start an internet business. If I could make my business work for me, I would alleviate some financial pressure from him. I could fund our family fun activities. I could put the money aside for us to use for buying a house or going on vacation or getting myself a new car. He saw as many possibilities as I did. The only problem was finding the extra money to fund this business. Since I didn’t have heaps of money to spend, I searched for other methods that would cost me very little to start. I tried the get paid for surveys route. I tried the get paid to read emails route. I tried the paid to click route. Maybe I picked the wrong companies. Maybe I didn’t stick with it long enough. Either way, I didn’t make money like they advertised. I usually earned 2 or 3 pennies for each ad or email. On the surveys, all I ever got were entries into some sweepstakes. Somehow, I was never eligible for the surveys that paid cash. If you have chosen that route and you actually make money with it, more power to you! Those methods didn’t work for me. Eventually, I found a method that did. It allowed me to earn money when I had the time to sit down at the computer. It allowed me to earn this money any time of the day or night. It allowed me to earn this money every day if I chose to. I didn’t have to spend any money on advertising. I didn’t need to have my own website. I didn’t have to scour the web looking for my customers. All I needed to have was the ability to read and follow directions. I was amazed I hadn’t found this before. I made $100 within 2 hours of sitting down to start. The information I was given to start took me about a day to read through and absorb. Once I truly understood what was going on, I sat down to put my knowledge to work. Within a couple hours of sitting down, I made $100 dollars. There was plenty more I could have made, but I was so elated that I had made that amount, I turned off the computer to play with my kids. I knew I could go back tomorrow, make another hundred and feel productive again. I knew I had the money I needed to get my business going in the right direction.Anyone who wants to make money on the internet needs to be involved with this. Any mom who needs extra money to fund her business venture needs to be involved with this. Any one who needs extra money for any reason needs to be involved with this. You need to be involved with this. Don’t pass up an opportunity to make money each and every time you decide to sit down at your computer.
About Author
Earn money here... Article Source:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Secret to Becoming Rich

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, believes that a person does not have to be a genius to become rich. Any person can become wealthy if he thinks positively and has a deep desire to achieve his goal. Positive Thinking: You must see your financial dreams and know that you will be able to attain them. You must already own them. If you begin making up every rationalization under the sun why you can't succeed, pinch yourself. You have to discipline your body and mind to think positive thoughts. Teach yourself that those kind of thought patterns are unacceptable. You can obtain greatness, even if you are not the smartest, most talented, or best looking person in the world. Success is your if you'll just allow it to come into your life. Don't underestimate the power of your thoughts. Burning Desire: Hill tells a true tale of a man named Edwin Barnes who desired to become Thomas Edison's partner. Most of us would have scoffed at him had we lived back then. Edwin Barnes was a nobody. Nevertheless, he had a deep desire, a life dream, and he was determined. He went to Thomas Edison and convinced him to hire him. He did not instantly achieve his dream, but he worked hard and ultimately became Thomas Edison's partner. This was a feat everyone thought was impossible. Edwin Barnes followed these 7 steps to gain this great success: 1. Choose a definite dream. 2. Put all your energy into that dream. 3. Be willing to do menial work at first. 4. Visualize your dream. 5. Form a strategy. 6. Endure through the hard times. 7. Eliminate any way to retreat. As you focus on obtaining your goals, answer these questions: What is the exact amount of money I want? What am I willing to sacrifice for it? What exact date do I want this money by? What is my strategy? Don't forget, to successful people, there is no such thing as "defeat." What looks like defeat is no more than a great opportunity. Start creating opportunities out of failures and being successful today! NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.
About The Author
To learn more about obtaining wealth visit our Rich Dad Poor Dad page. A college student herself, Elise Fisher enjoys writing articles to help college students learn more and other finance options

Secret To Online Home Base Business

Is there a secret to online home base business? Yes, and that is the turnkey opportunity. You may or may not have heard that phrase at this juncture, so briefly this a website model that has proven to be successful and make money for other entrepreneurial minded people like yourself.
With the online home base business turnkey opportunity you will receive your own website. Your site will be supplied with products, these products will also have a proven selling record, shown to be fast selling. Your website will come with a sales page, pictured products, a header and graphics, all have been tested and retested for the highest conversion rate for buying customers.
Before we get any farther a long, how this works as an online home base business is that for each product you sell from your site you will receive a incredible 75 percent share in the revenue. There are not many places that will pay you 75 percent on anything. That is after the owners have spent their time, their money on all the graphics, the sales page, and all the testing and retesting so that you can have a turnkey opportunity that will make you money now, not 2 or 3 years down the road.
The turnkey opportunity is for those who are looking to utilize, to capitalize on the internet now. It's for those who know that they want to be apart the tremendous growth that is taking place on the internet, however may not have all the knowledge and expertise to be able to go it alone in an online home base business.
You will be given pre-written ads that have proven to convert customers into buyers for your online home base business, you will be shown where to place these ads for the highest impact to generate more leads and to increase your sales. With this turnkey opportunity you will gain the most valued of all. That is experience, knowledge and success.
This friends should not be taken lightly, you may have read that about 95 percent of all the businesses are not even clearing a profit each month. That is easily understood, when you consider 95 percent of the business owners have no formal online home base business training. They must spend their time and their money learning as they go, and should be applauded, for and undertaking that many would surely pass up.
That will not be the case here, and shall be the difference between the 95 percent and yourself. You will have the knowledge, training and the experience. This is utterly priceless in the world of the online home base business.
Once you have the knowledge of running an online home base business, you may want to branch out into other areas that you have an interest in, and with your formal training and business experience. You can be sure that you have the all the tools necessary through this turnkey opportunity, to be a true success in any business endeavors you may choose to do.
Can you afford to wait another day? Find out what is missing, click here: Online-Home-Base-Business
Kevin R. Guthrie is a full time internet marketer.
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Success on the Net

When some of us think about the internet, big dollar signs light up in our eyes. Why you ask? Because we know that Billions of dollars are spent on Internet Advertising each year. We also understand how to tap into that resource, in order to generate an income for ourselves.
But what about your average person with little internet experience? How do you tap into this abundant resource? how do you make money for yourself?
Well there's no simple explanation, nor a simple method. But there are ways to understand how to use the internet to make you money. For instants, sites have been created in order to help you on your journey. Site such as this one have been created in order to make your transition into internet marketing easier.
If you wish to find sites similar to this, then I recommend google search, you’ll be met with thousands of results in order to make your internet experience worthwhile.
So in conclusion, as I mentioned before, there is no easy way to explain how to generate money on the internet. I could try and explain the best methods, but they simply wouldn’t fit within this article. So I urge you, if you’re serious about internet marketing. Then do some research to help you. Research is by far the best method. Some times you might find experienced internet marketers that will not tell you all there tricks. But if you do some research, you may stubble upon them.
These sites have helped me in the past:be successful online.comFind hundreds of articles her
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Friday, August 17, 2007

Article By Roderick Macdonald: Online shopping is very popular on the internet and buyers'

Online shopping is very popular on the internet and buyers' clubs give their members the opportunity to earn reward points on their purchases. These Reward Points can then be redeemed for cash or used towards other purchases. One of these clubs,the DHS Club was established in 1997 and has established partnerships with many leading organisations, such as Amazon, Ebay, Staples, PC World, Marks and Spencers, Dell and AOL and so on. These participating companies are all listed in the Clubshop Mall for easy access and members can buy from retailers from all over the world online and offline. The DHS Club?s Group Buying Power allows it to purchase goods at a discount and the savings are passed on to members. There are three types of membership. 1. Shopper (Free Membership) Shopper members can simply use their membership to purchase items from the Clubshop Mall. This is useful for people who don?t want to have a business but do want to enjoy the benefits of being rewarded for shopping. 2. Associate (Free Membership) The same as Shopper but with the added bonus of a own home based business. Associate members can refer shoppers to the club and earn reward points from their own purchases and also the purchases of their personally sponsored shoppers. 3. Vip (Monthly Subscription Fee of $25
) Vips (Vested Income Partners) receive the same benefits as Associate Members and lots more beside ? below is a list of benefits VIP members receive.? Start Their Business With A Pre-Built Downline ? More Reward Points On Their Personal Purchases ? Reward Points From Their Own Vip?s Purchases ? Regular Monthly Commission ? Complete Easy To Follow Marketing Course ? Team Support ? Online Training Sessions With Professional Marketers ? Access To Other DHS Club Areas Such As ClubPerks ? One to One Mentoring ? Ability To Register Or Pay To A Charity ? Access To Other Marketing Courses . Business put On Autopilot DHS Club can help bring customers to any online or offline business. All that has to be done is to register the business with the DHS Club and it will be exposed to the world ? it doesn?t matter if it is a new or unknown business. The DHS Club is ideal for people who know nothing about working from home and wish to learn. With a dedicated team of experienced and patient staff the option of running a successful business from home is open to people from all walks of life.

About the Author:Roderick Macdonald is based in Bangkok, Thailand and would be pleased to answer any queries about buyers' clubs. He can be contacted at -macdon35@lionslink.comFor further details seehttp://www.macdonrod.comhttp://snipurl.c

Work At Home Success - Don't You Wish It Was Easy

You hear it every day, somebody somewhere is preaching the prosperity work at home gospel, it's easy, anybody can do it. Although it is true that anybody really can do it, I promise you it's not easy. Working at home presents several challenges that many people simply cannot conquer. Let me rephrase that, many people simply will not conquer the challenges.
The I'm at home so I can goof off challenge. Isn't it funny how you work harder for somebody else than you do for yourself? When you transition from working in an office environment to working at home many people just can't seem to get on track. Of course they want success, and they expect to be successful, they just can't seem to get started. When you are at work you are accountable to somebody, and that somebody is usually judging the quality and quantity of your work regularly.
Employers often pay you just enough to keep you, and you typically work just enough to keep your job. Be honest, when the boss isn't around you have a tendency to goof off, or do less than you would otherwise. When you start to work at home there is no boss, so you have a tendency to goof off or do less than you would otherwise! One of the reasons many people fail to achieve success when they work from home is a lack of accountability. You probably don't want to be held accountable by a boss anymore and that's one of the reasons that you decided to work from home, but a lack of accountability can lead to disaster.
The best thing you can possibly do is hold yourself accountable, but that is easier said than done. Establish a tracking form to keep track of how many hours you actually work your business. I'm not talking about getting ready to get ready, that doesn't count. How much time are you actually working your business? Every person that has ever started working from home has spent a lot of time cleaning off their desk, organizing things and getting ready to get ready. Those activities won't put money in your pocket, but they will give you a false sense of doing something. Accountability isn't easy, heck it's hard to transition from a job to working from home, but will be worth it. Don't wish it was easy, have a strong desire to become better. Work on yourself, become disciplined.
If you can't or won't hold yourself accountable find somebody who will. Just make sure that the person you choose will lift you up and not tear you down. Working from home is hard enough but if you are around negative people you'll make climbing the mountain to success so much harder than it has to be.
To get 5 FREE CD's that will help you become successful working from home visit
Check out our work at home forum too
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Wow! Making Money with the Internet-Simply.

Do you want to make some extra cash, or need to. I mean without going out and getting a second job or if you are retired, or a stay at home mom or dad, without getting a part-time job, and having to give up more of your precious time.
If you are unemployed, or if you are someone that has been looking for a Home-Based-Business, this is for you. There is nothing wrong with wanting more, in fact, you deserve more. Just imagine what you could do with a little extra cash each month, and without having to work hard for it.
Well, have I got exciting news for you. Discover the secret that millions are finding out, how to get financially free with online auctions, selling on eBay and other online auctions. To be successful, you need two things: detailed information on how the pros do it and high quality products to sell. You can even sale things that are just lying around the house that you no longer have use for.
There are a lot of products out there that will walk you through the process, step by step. You will learn from some of the best. I have found it to be fun, and pretty simple. If you can follow directions, you can do it. And if you are among the millions of people that have been looking for a proven method of making extra cash, this is for you. You have heard about how successful ebay is and the millions of people that shop there every day. So give it a try. See you on eBay.
Rivers Cooksey, entrepreneur and favorite aunt,
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